$5-$25 - Transportation for VolunteersProvides transportation for needed student coaches, judges, and essential event supporting volunteers
$35 - Coach Instruction PacketProvides all materials & curriculum development for a semester of Debate for 1 Coach
$250-450 - Instructional TechnologyTechnology that supports debate instruction in the classroom (e.g., laptops)
$500 - Middle School Summer Workshop ScholarshipOne scholarship for one student to a summer middle school debate institute
$1500 - High School Summer Workshop ScholarshipSponsors a high school student’s attendance to a summer debate institute.
$2000 - AUDL National Tournament TravelSponsor travel for one AUDL student’s participation at national circuit debate events
$2,500-$5,000 - AUDL Summer Workshop SponsorProvide instructional support to a group of students at an AUDL summer workshop.